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The Solution To Troubled Skin

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What is skin rebirth and how can it help your skin - Sylvia Van De Logt

Posted on Wednesday, 01 Dec 2021

What is skin rebirth and how can it help your skin - Sylvia Van De Logt

I was invited by Bioskin to try out one of their signature treatments: skin rebirth. Here is my review.

Skin Rebirth uses a multi-source, phase-controlled Fractional Radio Frequency energy that generates pulses of energy into the skin, causing a deep volumetric dermal heating effect that enables collagen remodelling, skin resurfacing and treatment of wrinkles, acne and acne scars.

This treatment can help with:

Skin Renewal Pigmentation / Acne Scar Lightening Lifted V-shaped Face Pores Tightening Wrinkle Reduction

After an introduction to skin rebirth through the use of video and a discussion about overall effects of the treatment, my skin was analyzed. It showed what I already knew, which is that I have lost elasticity in the skin and have enlarged pores.

After I got taken to the treatment room where the therapist relaxes the skin through a gentle massage and then proceeds to cleanse your skin. A cool mask is then applied that oools down your skin.

After a while the masque is removed and the fractional RF energy is applied to your skin. The therapist moves the appliance over your skin in small steps where you feel little pins of energy entering your skin. It does not hurt but it is not exactly pleasant either. It will result in little micro-wounds in the epidermis which are in direct contact with the electrodes, while heat is delivered deeper into the dermis. This fractional manner of energy delivery leaves the zones in between the targeted areas intact, which serve as a reservoir of healthy cells to promote faster, more effective wound healing.

Below picture illustrates this procedure in more detail.

What does it feel like afterwards?

Although you get ample warning beforehand that your skin will feel hot and tight afterwards, it still comes as a shock if you have never experienced anything like this before. The skin is very red and dry and some parts feel rough. Be sure you don’t have any appointments after your treatment because all you want to do is get into an air-conditioned room with a fan directed at your face. Luckily this discomfort disappears after just a few hours. After that your skin will still feel dry and look blotchy, but it does not feel uncomfortable. After one day, you can apply your makeup and cover up most of the blemishes.

The whole skin recovery process lasts about 5-7 days, during which time you are advised to stay out of the sun as much as possible and stay clear from AHA products or retinol. I have tried to photograph the process but since light is always different, it’s very difficult to get an accurate view, but you can see my skin from just after the treatment to a week later (at the right).


My experience of this treatment was good overall. Bioskin is a professional treatment center with courteous staff who were very good at giving clear information about the whole process and make you feel totally at ease. After about 7 days your skin comes back better than before, although I had hoped for more dramatic results. It will be interesting to see what the longer-term effects will be. I’m going to follow up with a Cryo Splash treatment at Bioskin as well and I will report back to you after that.

You can get the Skin Rebirth treatment at Bioskin in Singapore. They currently have an incredible promotion for this treatment:

Special promotion!

1X Skin Rebirth + Cryo Splash @ $38 (Incl GST $40.66)

If you decide to try it out yourself, let me know how the experience was for you!

Results vary based on the individual.